Mills News

Wear Red on Friday!

Each year on the first Friday in February, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and others around the country celebrate National Wear Red Day to bring greater attention to heart disease as the leading cause of death for Americans and promote steps people can t

Book Fair Preview

For a preview of the best books at our book fair, click here. O

Fall Fest Concession Donations

When you're doing your grocery shopping, please consider donating items on this list for the Fall Festival concession stand. 

Yearbook Committee: Send Us Your Pictures

Day in the Life of a Mills Mountain Lion!  We are calling for photos - walking to school, doing homework, or at pickup!  

🍰 Happy Birthday to You

Here's your chance to wish your child a Happy Birthday on the Mills Marquee or the Birthday Book Club!

♥ Be a Volunteer at Mills in 2023

LOOKING TO GET MORE INVOLVED AT MILLS? We have several opportunities so find the right one for you! Anyone who wants to volunteer needs to go through APIE. It opens on 8/11 at 10am!