Mills' Health Room
The Mills Health Room is open from 7:30AM to 3:30PM every school day, providing compassionate, high-quality nursing care to all Mountain Lions. Should your child become ill or injured during the school day, we need to be able to reach you. Please add our Mills’ Health Room phone number, 512-841-2416, to your phone contacts.
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Important Health Room Information
AISD Health Guidelines for School Attendance
Keeping a sick child home protects other children, school staff, and visiting community members from catching an illness that can be spread from person to person. A sick child who is unable to participate at school should be kept home to rest and recover until symptoms improve.
A student with any of the following symptoms should not attend school:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or higher
- Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea
- Eye redness and/or drainage
- Undetermined rash and/or scaly patches over any part of the body or scalp
- Intense itching with signs and symptoms of secondary infection
- Open, draining lesions
A child with any of these symptoms must stay home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours and without the use of medication before returning to school.
When you take your child to a healthcare provider for an evaluation of illness or injury, please be sure to request a written letter stating when your child may return to school and any accommodations required upon return.
For COVID-19: please refer to the Austin ISD COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for students who are experiencing symptoms, have tested positive, or have been in close contact with an individual who tested positive.
Duties on Campus
While on duty, our wonderful nurses will mostly be seeing students with injuries and illnesses throughout the day and administering daily medications to students. In addition to creating care plans and providing case management for students with ongoing health issues, Nurse Barbara and Nurse Rombach will also be performing Spinal, Diabetes, and Vision and Hearing screens throughout the year.
To improve community health, our health room trends are reported to AISD and Ascension, and the number of Influenza and other reportable diseases are reported to the State Department of Health.