What is WatchD.O.G.S.?
WatchDOGS is a family and community initiative at Mills Elementary School. WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures who volunteer to serve at least part of one day per year or more! WatchDOGS will volunteer their help in a variety of school activities such as reading to students, helping in the front office, performing safety checks, or even helping in the library. The possibilities are endless.
What are the goals for WatchDOGS?
WatchDOGS are here to provide positive male role model for students, to be an extra set of eyes and ears for school safety and security, and to help Mills be the best it can be!
How do I become a part of WatchDOGS?
Step 1: Sign up to become a WatchDOG here!
Step 2: Submit a volunteer background check form to Austin ISD's new platform with VOLY!!
Step 3: Sign up for a time by contacting the front office @ 512-841-2400.
WatchDog Wall of Honor