Destination Imagination


Destination Imagination Texas



September 17th: Parent Information Session @ 6PM in the Mills Library

September 5: Webinar for interested parents. Click here to register!

Websinar for interested students and parents



What is Destination Imagination?

Destination Imagination is a program that excels teaching creative problem-solving by exposing students to a variety of STEAM based challenges. Teams of students (2-7 members) choose a STEAM-based challenge in the Fall and present their solutions in February at the Capital Regional Tournament. 

DI is an affordable, accessible program designed to support your children’s passions, creativity, and intellect. It’s also a chance for you to get an exclusive peek into your kid’s daily life, see how they interact with their peers, and watch them learn and blossom.


What are this year's challenges?

7 Challenges for Destination Imagination

For students in Pre-K through Second grade, this year's Early Learning Challenge, which is non-competitive, is about the weather. For Mountain Lions in Third through Fifth grade, they can choose from competitive challenges in more categories, including improv, fine arts, scientific, engineering, service learning, and technical. For more information on these challenges, check out this video.


For more information, please visit our in depth webpage on Destination Imagination at