GT Program

Gifted and Talented Banner

Mills Elementary GT Services

Our GT services include instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundations training within a small group of identified GT students within their classroom or grade level. Your child will have have a GT Learning Plan based on their grade level, and parents/guardians of identified GT students should expect a GT Student Services Summary each semester completed by their teacher.

Gifted & Talented Referral Window

Gifted and Talented screening for Austin ISD students in grades Kinder-5th Grades will occur this Fall. Parents/guardians or staff may nominate their child(ren) for GT screening. Teachers will reach out individually if they feel your child is a strong candidate for the process. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any wonderings about nominations.

Students will be considered for identification in the four core subject areas using multiple data points. The nomination window is TBA for the 2024-2025 school year.

For questions about the program, please reach out to Courtney Cartlidge, assistant principal, at or visit AISD's Gifted & Talented page.