BTS Reminders & Supplies

Tuesday August 20, 2024 is here!


Click here for the supply list


Here are some friendly Mountain Lion reminders as we head into the 2024-2025 school year. 

Check out the current Back to School Mills Newsletter

Back to School Reminder #1 Flyer
Back to School Reminder #2 Flyer



Upcoming Events

  • 8/20 First Day of School
  • 9/2 Labor Day: No School
  • 9/5 Back to School Night
    • K-2nd: 5:30pm-6:30pm
    • 3rd-5th: 6:45pm-7:45pm



School Safety

  • Parents/caregivers will drop off/pick up students at outside checkpoints around campus.
  • All visitors must check in through the Front Office (bring your ID).
  • Read the PTA Safety Flyer!
  • Follow all school zone & safety laws, especially parking. Report all unsafe driving to 311 & 911.
  • No dogs on campus grounds




Contact Us

  • Attendance:
  • Office Number: 512-841-2400
  • Front office staff will return July 22nd

Attendance Reminders

  • Please email and your child’s teacher if your child will be absent
    include your child’s first and last name, the date they will be missing school, and the reason they will be missing school.
  • Attendance is taken at 10:30am daily!
  • No Student early pickups after 2:45 pm. Remember to bring your ID.

Arrival & Dismissal

  • Doors open at 7:30am on the first Day of
    School, August 20th & at 7:15am thereafter.
  • Car riders must have dismissal number
    displayed in vehicle.
  • Avoid tardies. Be in classroom by 7:40am!
  • 3:10pm official end to school day
  • No Student early pickups after 2:45 pm.
    Remember to bring your ID.



Breakfast & Lunch




Health Room

  • Contact information for Nurse Barbara and Nurse Jill is
  • Please submit written requests explaining time and dosage. Medication forms are available in the office.
  • The health room will gladly accept clothing donations throughout the year. Please email if you have some!





  • 4th-5th: Consider buying an extra charger for those Chromebooks. Just search for a 45-65 Watt USB C charger or

Mills PTA



  • Lunch visitors after Week 3: Report to the front office to secure a visitor badge. You will be allowed to eat outside (weather permitting) or inside in a designated area in the cafeteria.
  • Parents may deliver lunches or forgotten items to the wooden desk in the lobby. Label with student and teacher’s names.



