Mills News
Coming soon: Kona Ice
Come support the 5th grade graduation & visit the Kona Ice truck on Wednesday March 12 from 2:45PM to 4:00PM near the portables’ gate entrance!
Character Parade
On Friday April 4th at 8:30AM, come see your Pre-K, Kinder, and First Grade Mountain Lions dress up and parade as their favorite story book characters!
Spring Dance: Tickets & Volunteering!
Get down and boogie with your fellow mountain lions on Friday March 28th in the Mills Cafeteria.
Fundraiser Completed! Thank you Mills!
Thanks to all your support, our Mills Elementary fundraiser brought in $86,655! That is an amazing amount, and we definitely feel the love!
We Love Mills Booster
Every year, we have 1 big FUN'raiser to help Mills be the best it can be! It starts Monday February 10th and goes to Friday February 21st. Those two weeks will be filled with fun, prizes, and classroom dance parties.
Coming Soon... BIG ART DAY!
On April 3rd, join us for Mills Big Art Day! This year's focus is Mary Blair and her iconic big castles.
This Friday: The Principal’s Coffee
Come see what Ms. Sanchez is up to in MakerSpace this Friday February 14th at 8am. It’s going to be STEMsational!
Destination Imagination - Success!
This past weekend AISD had 3 teams go to a 90 team STEM tournament called Destination Imagination. Two of those teams were from Mills Elementary.
Coming Soon.... BOOK SWAP
Tired of all your books at home. Bring them to school by 1/30 and swap them out on Saturday, February 1st from 1PM to 4PM during Mills Around the World.
Calling all Spring Dance Volunteers
The PTA is looking for volunteers to help plan and lead the Spring Dance for our students! If you’re excited about creating a memorable event for the kids, we need your help!
UPDATE: PreK Early Bird Tuition Program Registration
The application window for the Pre K-4 Early Bird Tuiti
Celebrating a birthday in 2025!
Buy a book in honor of your Mountain Lion. Why? Students love to know that the their picture gets put on the big board. They also love that they can check out an extra book that week, and that their name will forever remain inside the book that they chose.