Mills Mock Election: Nov 4th

The Mills Elementary Mock Election is on Monday November 4th.

Voting is an important part of being a citizen of the United States of America. For the next 2 weeks, your Mountain Lions will learn about one of their most important civic duties and then participate in a mock election! On Tuesday November 5th, take your kids with you to the ballot box so they can see you vote in person just like they did the day before!

In a special Election MakerSpace class, your students will learn about democracy, the importance of voting, our election processes, the branches of government we can vote for, political parties, and how to politely disagree in politics, discussing how we can focus on SEL in our mock election. In the library, Ms. Rasmussen will read a variety of Everybody Books involving elections! There are quite a few to choose from. Then, your Mountain Lion will make their very own Voter ID card, fill out their Voter Registration card, and even make an election button in MakerSpace!


Mills Voter Registration Card


Students in Kindergarten through Second Grade will be voting and dropping off their ballot at the Mills Election Drop Off Box located in the hallway outside the library. 

Please remind students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade that they will need to bring their voter IDs in order to vote. If a student forgets to bring an ID, they will have to fill out a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, just like an adult would have to do if they could not furnish an ID card.


Mills ID Card

What are we voting on? What kids love and dentists dread. Your Mountain Lion will pick a Candy President, Candy Governor, and a Candy Congressperson, while also giving students the right to write-in their own candidates. See what the K-2 ballot looks like below!

Mills K-2 Ballot

If there are any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Mills Mock Election Committee Chair!
