Pride Week

Community Event

Every year, to highlight the district's commitment to creating a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all, Austin ISD hosts its own Pride Week. We believe that when students feel safe and can show up as their full selves at school, they’re better able to engage in learning and achieve academically.


This year, pride-themed activities will take place outside instructional time such as before or after school, during morning meetings, lunch or advisory periods.


Our campus Pride Week committee has planned the following activities aligned with Austin ISD’s district wide theme “beYOUtiful”:

  • Monday - All are welcome! Post, share, or display student work, pictures, and items that represent your family, things you're proud of, and what makes you feel connected.

  • Tuesday - Differences are beYOUtiful! Wacky socks day! Wear something fun that expresses your unique and awesome self.

  • Wednesday - I am beYOUtiful! Wear something that makes you feel beautiful, confident, and proud of who you are.

  • Thursday - Our community is beYOUtiful! Mix It Up! Take the opportunity to sit with/play with new classmates and celebrate our diverse community.

  • Friday - All the colors! Wear colorful clothes or a Mills shirt. Don’t forget to snap a picture of all your beYOUtiful colors!

We understand that families have different perspectives, and we respect every parent’s right to make decisions for their child. If you prefer that your child not participate in Pride activities, we will work to make alternative arrangements.

Find out more by viewing our Pride 2025 FAQs. If you have any questions, please reach out to Principal Frageman.