❤️ We Love Mills


Coming soon to a classroom near you!!!

Our We Love Mills fundraiser is kicking off soon! Mark your calendar for February 12-23. Register beginning January 29th at Mybooster.com

We are partnering with Boosterthon and You Tube star Dude Perfect for this fundraiser. We will accept donations online or by check or cash in the office. Incentives will be based on individual and class funds raised.

Why invest in this school fundraiser? These funds are critical to help pay for our Maker Space & Spanish/Cultural studies teachers and lunchroom monitors, along with additional school enrichment and interventions for students and teachers. These positions and extras we enjoy at Mills are not funded by the district.

More information will be shared in the coming weeks! An optional parent information session will be held at 3:45pm on February 6th via Zoom. https://austinisd-org.zoom.us/j/83700104564


Excited for the Love Your School Fundraiser